Family friendly dental care
(07) 3882 3200
Narangba Valley
(07) 3886 7056
Your trusted Brisbane dentists since 2003
Brisbane City
(07) 3832 0088
North Lakes
(07) 3481 2288

Welcome to Brisbane City Dental
With the help from Dentec, we welcome you to our Brisbane City Dental clinic conveniently located 50m walking distance from Central train station. Equipped with our own OPG (Orthopantomogram - full mouth x-ray) machine, relaxing sceneries, ceiling TVs to ensure you have the best possible experience.
We welcome all patients to the clinic, click here to view our new patient promotion!
Please call Brisbane City Dental at (07) 3832 0088 if you would like to make an appointment or if you have any questions.
Getting Here by Public Transport
Train: Exit from Central station through main ticket gates. Turn towards walkway towards Wickham Terrace (where Male Profile & Central Station Shoe Repairs are located). Continue walking and take the stairs/lift up onto Wickham Terrace. Cross the road to Eye Q Optometrists, walk towards Copy Cat Printing & Signage and turn left. Continue down the arcade to find us on the left.
Private Health Insurance Preferred Providers

Brisbane City Dental is a preferred provider for:

Brisbane City Dental
Monday to Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Brisbane City Dentist
Dr Bo Jiang
Suite 108, Ground floor, Silverton Place
101 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill QLD 4000
Ph: (07) 3832 0088
Text: 0423 055 386
Ground floor walkway next to Petite Treats